Atomic War
Project realized during a game jam in collaboration with another student. My role in this jam was to implement the functional code, while the other person worked on player movement and camera control.

This game is my first prototype in Unity. Coming from a web application development background, I approached the game in a similar way, generating as many elements as possible to minimize errors.

We chose the theme of the atom. The idea for the game is to trace the history of the Earth at an atomic level. This game would have an educational purpose for children.

The other educational aspect developed is the combination of atoms. You must try, within the given time, to create the most complex atom in order to unlock as many combinations as possible. The core idea for the design is that as the Earth forms, you can recognize atomic structures present in rivers, such as oxygen at higher altitudes.

The code was designed to use information stored in JSON files. We currently have three JSON files: the first is used to store information about atoms, the second stores information about possible combinations, called molecules, and the third is a JSON matrix map used to place base elements for generation.

In the long term, generating maps through a JSON file will be replaced by a set of rules for map generation, allowing for the creation of random and increasingly larger worlds.